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  • 100 - 500 employees

Angus Hankinson

Hey, I’m Angus. I joined Re-Leased as a Junior Software Developer intern in July 2020 before landing a full time position in November of the same year. So far it’s been a great experience; I thoroughly enjoy my day-to-day work and I’ve come to learn a lot regarding industry best software development practices and principles from my co-workers.

7.30 AM

Wake up, shower, and have breakfast before heading to work. This all takes far longer than it has any right to as my brain is about 10% operational at this time of the day.

8.30 AM

Arrive at work, fire up the laptop and plan out how to tackle the day. This is usually when I get started on some coding or code reviews.

9.00 AM 

Standup meeting for the squad, although not much standing is generally done - we have two members who work outside of the office, so it’s done via Google Hangouts. On second thought, we might need a new name for this.

9.15 AM

Grab a coffee and continue on with what I was working on before standup. As I’m a member of a BAU squad this is usually dealing with either bugs or refinements within the system.

12.00 PM 

Take a lunch break, do a bit of reading, and then go for a small walk around Ahuriri.

1.00 PM 

Continuing on with whatever I was working on previous to the lunch break - unit tests, general coding and code reviews are the usual.

4.00 PM 

Close down the IDE and read whatever software development related book I’m currently working through.

4.00 PM

Head to the gym before driving home.

I really enjoy the work here at Re-Leased. I find it satisfying hunting down the cause of an issue, brainstorming different solutions that could be implemented for it, and getting my hands dirty actually fixing it. I find the whole process super satisfying, from beginning to end - but the team I work with is what really elevates my experience. It’s a laid back environment with easy-going people, so it’s easy to approach one another to either get a second opinion on a complex issue or to just have a simple chat and a laugh. I can rely on my squad members to give me high quality feedback on the code I create, and I feel I owe a vast amount of my current growth to them - being a member of a friendly team that helps each other develop (pun intended) is easily my favourite part about working at Re-Leased.